29 May 2017
One of the most beneficial resources available to you when it comes to equipping your medical practice is used medical equipment, mostly due to the cost savings and availability of used medical equipment. Listed below are two reasons to consider using used medical equipment in your practice. Substantial Savings One of the biggest reasons to consider used medical equipment is the fact that normal medical equipment is easily some of the most expensive equipment that you can buy for pretty much any type of business.
25 May 2017
As a family caregiver, you know that no health topic should be taboo, yet you also know that dealing with the pain and bladder control issues caused by interstitial cystitis can sometimes make it hard for your loved one to enjoy a normal life. The great news is that there are many things that you can do at home to show your support. As you create your family care plan, include these strategies for helping your loved one feel better both at home and when you are out in public.
20 May 2017
You know that regular exercise is important for good health, but if you've been sedentary for a long time, you may not know where to start. While cardio exercise such as brisk walking is good for burning calories and making you feel good, you don't want to overlook strength training. Strength training is beneficial for men and women of all ages since it can be tailored to your fitness level. Here's why it's good for you and how you can get started.
19 May 2017
There are many stereotypes about what an addict looks like, especially a heroin addict. Many people expect a heroin addict to be homeless, to be covered in obvious needle marks, or to display other very obvious signs of addiction. The truth is that heroin addicts can look like anyone, even you or someone that you know. There are plenty of high-functioning addicts who manage to maintain a basically normal appearance for their friends and family.
16 May 2017
Dealing with two different leg lengths can be difficult for physical movement. Throughout your life, you may have learned how to make up for the fact that one leg was longer than the other. Many people do this by wearing an elevator shoe on the short leg. Others will walk with a limp that they barely notice due to it becoming a part of their normal walk. If you are dealing with different leg lengths and you want to have your legs lengthened, here are a few things that you should consider first.
9 May 2017
Having surgery requires some recovery time, and a breast augmentation procedure is no different. Your surgeon has probably provided you with some instructions about watching for complications and prescribed some pain medicine, but you may find the tips below to be helpful for keeping you as comfortable as possible. Use Bra-Shaped Ice Packs Your breasts are likely to feel incredibly swollen due to the work that was done. One way to ease pain and reduce any swelling is to put on a bra-shaped ice pack that is made for women who've had this kind of surgery.
3 May 2017
When you think of the medical profession, there are likely two positions that stick out to you: a general physician and the dentist. You may be accustomed to seeing these medical professionals on at least an annual basis from the time that you've been a child. However, there's another member of the medical field that can also be of tremendous benefit to you: the chiropractor. They offer a range of services that could end up being truly life-changing.
27 April 2017
If you recently started wearing hearing aids, you may still have questions about the proper way to take care of them. If so, use one or more of the following tips to help keep your hearing aids clean and sanitary. Leave The Battery Doors Open At Night As soon as you take off your hearing aids for the night, open the battery doors to let the batteries and the interiors of the hearing aids dry out.
25 April 2017
Much-maligned rats are proving that humans need them more than they need you even if they are known to also carry repulsive diseases. Research scientists say that trying to generate mature and viable heart muscle cells from humans and other animals to treat heart disease is a difficult task. It does not work. So, they're now experiencing better results from using rat cells to generate mature and viable heart muscle cells in the process of stem cell implantation.
20 April 2017
If you were in a motor vehicle accident, have recently undergone surgery, suffered a stroke, or experience chronic pain, your doctor may have recommended that you participate in a physical therapy program. While physical therapy is considered an excellent treatment option, there are a few things that may raise your risk for complications both during and after your treatment. Here are three to discuss with your therapist prior to the beginning of your physical therapy sessions that will help prevent complications: