If you are considering a facelift, you may wonder what kind of results can be achieved with the various techniques available as well as whether or not you are an eligible candidate for a facelift. Because there are different techniques used to complete a facelift, including non-surgical techniques, almost everyone will have some options for improving their facial structure available. However, if you want the more drastic, lasting results of a traditional facelift, there are certain personal features that will make you a better candidate. Many cosmetic surgeons will refuse to complete facelifts on patients who lack the following features.
Good Medical Health
While you do not need to be in perfect health to receive a facelift, you should not have any major health complications at the time of your treatment. Health concerns such as high blood pressure can make your treatment more risky. Additionally, medicines and supplements can cause problems with clotting, extensive bruising, or water retention, all of which can increase healing time and negate the positive effects of your treatment.
It is important that you have a physical before your treatment to check for any major illnesses and that you disclose all medications and supplements, including herbal supplements, that you are taking to your doctor.
Non-Smoking, Non-Drinking
Both smoking and alcohol can cause problems with the healing process. If you are currently a smoker or a regular drinker, you may be asked to quit for a period of time before your doctor will feel comfortable performing a facelift on you. After the procedure, your doctor will let you know how long you should continue to avoid smoking and drinking if you intend to start again. It is important to note that second-hand smoke can also negatively impact your healing time. If you live with a smoker, you may need to work out a plan for them to not smoke in the home during your healing period.
Realistic Expectations
While a facelift can make some patients look dramatically younger, the procedure has varying rates of success based on the elasticity of your skin, your age, and your facial structure. It is important to go into your treatment with realistic expectations to avoid disappointment. To make sure you have realistic expectations, you should familiarize yourself with other patients' experiences. Additionally, you should complete a full consultation with your doctor, including using computer imaging of various potential results.
Before you are able to undergo a facelift, you will have to sign a consent form. Your doctor should go over all of the potential risks of the procedure. However, it is a good idea to do some research on your own before meeting with your doctor. This will allow you to ask more specific questions and will ensure that you are fully informed when you sign the consent form. If your doctor feels that you are not fully informed, they may request that you attend a second consultation or read more materials about the procedure before they agree to perform your facelift.
Ability to Take Off Time for Healing
The healing time for a facelift varies based on several factors, including your age and health, the extensiveness of the work completed, and the placement of the incisions. Usually, you will need to have someone stay with you for the first 24–48 hours. After that, you can stay on your own, but you may need to take time off of work or away from your social life as your wounds heal and the bruising and swelling go down. It is important that you are able to give adequate time to your recovery to prevent complications.
Visit sites such as http://www.myplasticsurgerygroup.com to look at healthcare providers near you.