If you're a leg amputee and need to get fitted for a socket, then it's a good idea to rely on a weight-bearing socket fitting system. It comes with a lot of key benefits today.
Simulate a Real-Life Experience
In order to make the most out of a socket fitting, you need to replicate a real-life experience where your weight is properly distributed. Then the right data can be gathered that ultimately improves the quality of socket you can get for a leg prosthetic.
Fortunately, weight-bearing socket fitting systems allow you to replicate a real-life experience. You'll be able to put all of your weight down on the system and then key assessments can be made of tissue and bone. Then you can look forward to a more effective socket that you enjoy using long-term.
Quick Data Capture
If you decide to utilize a weight-bearing socket fitting system as an amputee, you can look forward to a quick process. That's because the system will capture relevant data promptly thanks to the innovative technology it comes with.
As long as the technician who oversees your socket fitting is well-versed in said system, they can capture the right data quickly and then see to it that your prosthetic socket is developed perfectly. Whereas if you used traditional socket fitting methods, you may have to go through multiple casts before the right data is collected by prosthetic specialists.
Get a Comfortable Socket in the End
One of the most important goals of getting fitted for a prosthetic socket is ensuring it's comfortable. You may have to stand or do physical work for hours as an amputee after all. In that case, you'll want to rely on a weight-bearing socket fitting system.
It can analyze your amputated leg in a methodical manner and help prosthetic experts see relevant things. For instance, they can see how much bone mass is left and the specific makeup of soft tissue. Then after enough analysis, your socket will be designed perfectly and thus can be used comfortably day in and day out.
If you lost a leg and need to get fitted for a socket for a prosthetic, it's key to find the right fitting system. A weight-bearing model might be something you look into in particular. It's advanced, easy to use, and will lead to a socket that you can put all of your faith in.
Talk to a professional or click here for info about socket fittings and prosthetic services in your area.