Have A Great Relationship With Your Doctor

  • Four Reasons To Have A Primary Care Physician

    12 May 2016

    If you are like the average working age adult, you will make an average of 3.9 visits to a medical provider this year. But who will you see? Will you see a different provider for each and every visit, or will you choose to see the same doctor? While it may sometimes be faster to book an appointment with a wide variety of providers, you may not be receiving the same benefits you can get from having a primary care provider.

  • 4 Common Mistakes People Make Before Taking A Nasal Spray

    23 March 2016

    Many medications, including both over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription meds, are administered as a nasal spray. Although nasal sprays are common and easy to administer, many people make mistakes when taking a nasal spray. The next time you squirt a medication up your nose, make sure you aren't committing any of these four common errors people make when taking OTC or prescription nasal sprays. Not Washing Your Hands Before reaching for the spray, you should first wash your hands.

  • Osteoarthritis and Obesity: What Should You Know before Knee Replacement Surgery?

    16 February 2016

    If an orthopedist suggests that you get knee replacement surgery in a few months to repair the damage caused by osteoarthritis, you may wonder how you can prepare for the procedure, especially if you're overweight. You may also wonder if being overweight places your recovery at risk for failure. One of the reasons or risk factors for osteoarthritis is obesity because it places strain on the joints and bones of your hips, knees, and spine.

  • Referred To An Ophthalmological? Prep Your Toddler For A Successful Visit

    26 January 2016

    Up to 25 percent of young children have eye problems and the sooner one is detected, the easier the ailment is to treat. Now that your toddler's doctor has detected an eye problem and you have been referred to an ophthalmologist, you're probably ready to make an appointment. But due to the new experience and environment, it's likely that your toddler will deal with some stress and uncertainty during their initial ophthalmological visit– you can help minimize that stress and create a comfortable eye exam experience with the help of these tips and tricks:

  • Trigger Points: What They Are And Ways To Relieve The Pain They Cause

    30 December 2015

    If there are specific areas in your back that are very tender and sore to the touch, these areas are most likely trigger points. A trigger point is a tightened muscle that feels like a knot in most cases, and you can have trigger points in any of the 400 muscles in your body. If you suffer from these, getting a trigger point massage can be highly beneficial. In addition, finding ways to avoid triggering your muscles can also help.

  • Hip Impingement And Young Adults: What Should You Know About It?

    22 December 2015

    If your regular doctor diagnoses you with hip impingement, you may wonder how the condition will affect your life, especially if you're a young adult. Hip impingement can cause tremendous pain in your hips over time. In a number of cases, hip impingement can lead to osteoarthritis and other bone conditions when you're older. Learn how hip impingement develops and the treatments available for it. How Does Hip Impingement Affect You And Is There More Than One Type?

  • Helping Your Child Prepare For Their First Physical Exam

    11 December 2015

    Even children who see a pediatrician for regular check-ups might feel nervous about their first physical exam. This exam is usually requested before children can participate in competitive sports at the junior high or high school. If your son or daughter isn't interested in sports, a physical exam at this age is still recommended. As a parent, you can help your child prepare for this examination. Explain What is Different About the Physical Exam