Have A Great Relationship With Your Doctor

  • Will Vision Therapy Help Your Child Perform Better In School?

    25 September 2015

    Some children are intelligent, active, and social and yet perform poorly in school. What may seem like a behavior problem causing children to act up in school or have difficulty reading may actually be a vision problem. Have you considered that your child might need vision therapy to help them do better academically? The first step is to identify whether a learning-related vision problem is causing poor performance or not. If a learning-related vision problem is identified, preparing for vision therapy is next.

  • Three Simple Ways To Reverse Spinal Compression

    14 September 2015

    Spinal compression is a condition that many people suffer from without noticing. A lot of sufferers chalk their discomfort up to aging; however, spinal compression is a standalone condition that can be reversed by adopting a structured regime. Below are three of the best ways to reverse discomfort brought on by spinal compression: Stretching The quickest way to relieve the symptoms of spinal compression is to simply decompress your spine through stretching.

  • 3 Tips To Help You Reach Your Weight Loss Goal

    31 August 2015

    When you begin a new diet, it can seem daunting and difficult to lose any excess weight. But, with the right strategy, weight loss with diet and exercise can become achievable. Here are three tips that can help you reach your weight loss goal. Include Treats with Your Healthy Eating When you start a diet, it can be daunting to consider eating healthy food every day if you are not allowed any sweet treats.

  • Your Teeth Are Artificial, So Why Do You Have Toothaches?

    20 August 2015

    For a lot of people, toothaches are the result of sensitive teeth. But if you wear false teeth—dentures, implants, crowns, and bridges—then your teeth should never be sensitive to heat and cold. So what is causing the pain? There are 2 likely culprits: the prosthetics, or your oral health. With either case, there is a lot you can do to ease the toothache until your dentist can see you and offer a more permanent relief.

  • Laser Surgery & Tonsils: Two Complicated Conditions To Understand

    5 August 2015

    Laser surgeries are becoming more popular and common as laser technologies advance. Lasers are used to remove cataracts, tattoos, varicose veins, tumors, and infected gum tissues. Lasers are also used for various surgeries that involve the tonsils. In most cases, the surgical lasers remove the tonsil tissues during a bloodless procedure. You may think that tonsillitis is the only medical issue that would require surgical care. However, this is not the case. Keep reading to learn about other tonsil conditions that you may notice and that may require laser surgery due to their complicated nature.

  • If You Suffer From Tinnitus, A Hearing Aid Can Help

    24 June 2015

    Because chronic tinnitus varies so much from person to person, relief can be elusive. Some people hear ringing; others hear humming, rushing water, chimes, buzzing, or a range of other sounds. The suspected causes also vary widely, from high blood pressure to high stress to inner ear infection to aging auditory nerves. When the underlying cause of tinnitus is clear, that cause can sometimes be treated. However, it's more common for the cause to be unknown, which means the tinnitus itself must be managed.

  • Causes And Remedies For Your Child's Toothache

    29 October 2014

    Baby teeth are just as important as permanent teeth because they are the foundation for permanent teeth to grow in to. Baby teeth are susceptible to the same oral problems as permanent teeth – toothaches and sensitivity being among the problems your child might encounter. Take a look at these common causes for pediatric toothaches and what you can do to relieve your child's pain. Likely Causes for Toothaches in Children