13 April 2017
If you are a senior (or you have a loved one who is elderly) you need to recognize the hazards that may be lurking inside the home. Here are three things you can do to provide a safer environment for seniors: 1. Prevent Falls and Slipping Hazards Inside the Home Falls to an elderly person can cause serious injury, as the elderly are likely to have fragile bones that fracture more easily than that of a younger individual.
6 April 2017
If you have always wanted to work for an international relief organization like the Peace Corps or another group, you might currently be pondering the possibility of finally signing up and heading overseas. While helping with famine relief and other international human rights issues is a noble and meaningful goal, it is also important that you consider all of the factors before you put in your application and begin the process to head out on your first trip.
6 April 2017
Without vision insurance, buying a pair of prescription glasses can be very expensive if you visit an eye clinic to do this. There is a more affordable option, though, and this is to order your glasses online. If you need prescription glasses and do not have a lot of money to pay for them, purchasing them online will be the perfect solution to your problem. Here are several things you will need to know or do as you place an order for a new pair of glasses.
31 March 2017
When your child is in school with other children, that might be the first time that you start to notice if they aren't keeping up with others or seem different from other kids. You may notice some issues and problems, but be unsure whether they are fine or need help from a professional. Here are some of the signs that would indicate that your child could benefit from the assistance of an occupational therapist.
21 March 2017
The key to stroke recovery is to begin rehabilitation as soon as possible. For this reason, stroke rehabilitation will usually begin at the hospital. However, after a patient's release, it will be necessary to begin rehabilitation elsewhere. A facility that specializes in neurological services and treatments is often the best choice to continue recovery and rehabilitation. The following are a few things to look for when evaluating such a facility.
21 March 2017
Hearing aids are one of the most amazing little pieces of technology that have been invented. There are many benefits of having hearing aids, and it is amazing how much technology can fit into one little device. However, that little piece of technology that allows you to hear can malfunction or quit working altogether if it is not taken care of properly. You are going to want ot make sure that you maintain the hearing aid.
14 March 2017
Before a new baby arrives in your family, there is a lot of preparation that must be done. Regardless of whether this is your first baby or your third, it is important to double-check your preparations to ensure that you and your family have fully covered your bases. To help ensure you are ready, here are some steps you need to take before the baby comes home. Enroll in Infant CPR
9 March 2017
If you've partially been entertaining the thought of hiring home care for your elderly parent who lives alone, you've likely given careful consideration to his or her health. For example, if your parent has mobility issues or is in the early stages of dementia, home care may be necessary. However, when you're considering this decision, it's also important to think about what issues you're facing. You may find yourself as your parent's primary caregiver, which can be taxing in a number of ways, even if you're happy to provide this type of care.
7 March 2017
Neck and back pain can make you feel trapped in your own body, since so much of your daily movement involves those muscle systems. If this chronic pain is something that you deal with, you will need to give yourself the chance to alleviate these issues to the best of your capability. There are some natural ways that you can curb your back and neck pain, starting with these suggestions.
6 March 2017
If you play in contact sports on a professional or semi-professional level then make sure you are taken care of with regards to wearing all of the protective gear that you are supposed to wear. Sports companies will need to stay on top of this in order to follow the legal requirements they need to observe per contracts and insurance. However, if you just like to get together with friends to participate in contact sports then things will be done on a much more casual basis and it will be up to you to make sure you are protecting yourself the way you should be.